Information and guidance on what you and your organisation can do to protect children from harm.
An analysis of the research around sibling sexual harm and abuse and what support children and their families need.
Overview of key learning from case reviews and research around the voice of the child, which refers to the real involvement of children in expressing their views, opinions, and experiences.
We share insights from Childline counselling sessions and Helpline contacts to share children and young people’s voices and experiences of financial pressures.
Take our highly recommended training courses to improve your understanding of safeguarding and child protection.
Twilight sessions for the education sector on a range of safeguarding and child protection topics to keep you up-to-date with the latest guidance and practice.
Learn how to manage safeguarding at scale, create effective plans and prepare for inspections in this course for senior leaders. Two day in-person or virtual training course.
From £450 per person
Designed to help you develop the knowledge and skills you need to carry out your safeguarding role and responsibilities in schools and colleges based in England.
From £225 per person
Using child-first or child-led language reminds us of the importance of seeing children who have disabilities as children first, instead of focussing on their disabilities.
Anne Longfield, Executive Chair of the Centre for Young Lives, shares her thoughts on what needs to be done to improve the safeguarding support available to teenagers across the UK.
The NSPCC has launched a new pilot service designed to support families who have experienced sibling sexual harm or abuse.
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